1. Ownership of the site
The site mybunkershot.com is edited by the company ECCETERA located 21 Rue Nationale 74500 EViAN LES BAINS. Its intracommunity VAT number is FR30493769970.
The constituent elements of this site (texts, images, graphic charter, logos, trademarks, etc.) are the exclusive property of My Bunker Shot represented by the company ECCETERA.
Any total or partial reproduction of this site without the prior authorization of MY BUNKER SHOT, by any means whatsoever, would constitute an infringement prohibited by Article L.713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code which may lead to prosecution (Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code).
2. Publishing and hosting
This site is hosted by Infomaniak
3. Brand
My Bunker Shot and the associated logos are registered trademarks and the exclusive property of François Pautrec.